
2K injection­moulding material­combi­nations

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HECHT + DIEPER is a tech­nologically leading com­pany in the injection moul­ding of plastics tech­nology. It has many years of engineering experience and by using the latest tech­nologies reaching from development, mould con­struction, to tool pro­duction and manufacture HECHT + DIEPER is able to manufacture innovative plastic products of the highest precision.

The development and production of plastic parts – reaching from conceptualisation to production takes place under one roof: A prerequisite for short development phases and high product quality.

In two-component injection moulding, two mater­ials with different colours or prop­erties are com­bined in a single process to create a single component, allowing comp­onents with a special appea­rance or function to be created in a highly econo­mical way.


Basic princ­iples of the 2K injection moulding material combi­nations

Material compa­tibility in multi-com­ponent injection moulding

The materials should be compatible with each other so that they can form a strong chem­ical bond with each other. This depends on the specific chem­ical prop­erties of the plastics used. Some plastics adhere well to each other, while others form a weak bond or are not comp­atible at all. How­ever, the creation of form­fitting bonds can offer a solution.

Ther­mical properties

The materials should have similar processing temper­atures in multi-component injection moulding in order to ensure proces­sability during the injection moulding process. Excessive differ­ences in the melting temper­atures can lead to proces­sing problems and reduced comp­onent quality during injection moul­ding.

Mech­anical prop­erties

The mech­anical properties of the selected materials should corres­pond to the appli­cation purpose of the com­ponent. For example, one material could be selected for its stiff­ness, while the other material is selected for its elast­icity or good sliding prop­erties.

Ästhetik und Haptik

Bei Sicht­teilen oder Teilen, die mit der Haut in Kontakt kommen, können Materi­alien speziell aufgrund ihrer optischen Eigen­schaften (Farbe, Trans­parenz) oder ihrer Haptik (weicher Griff, rutschfeste Ober­fläche) ausgewählt werden.

Environmental ­resilience

The materials selected for injection moulding should be able to with­stand the environ­mental condi­tions to which the component will be exposed. These include UV resis­tance, resis­tance to chemicals, water and high temper­atures.

Costs and avail­ability

The materials should not only be techn­ically compatible, but also econo­mically viable. Frequently used material­combi­nations are generally less expensive and more readily available.

Common material­combi­nations in 2K injection­moulding:


Hard and soft plastic­material

Combi­nation of hard plastics such as poly­propylene (PP) or acryl­nitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) with soft thermo­plastic elastomers or polyur­ethanes (TPE, TPU) for handles, seals or soft touch compo­nents.


High­strength and slip­capable synthetic material

One comp­onent made of glass­fibre­reinforced polyamide (PA) and the other comp­onent made of polyoxy­methylene (POM) offers a combin­nation of rigidity and durability with enormous sliding­ability for plain bearings or similar.


Various coloured art materials from the injection moul­ding process

Various coloured synt­hetic materials can be used to set special accents in the product design, for example to high­light logos or func­tional surfaces.


Wide range of materials for custo­mised solutions


Multi-component injection moulding enables the processing of different material com­binations in a single production cycle, resulting in highly functional and custo­mised plastic compo­nents. This method is parti­cularly valuable for creating complex parts that combine the physical prop­erties of multiple materials in a single comp­onent. A selection of the most commonly used plastics in this advanced manu­facturing technique is presented below:

  • Poly­propylene (PP)
  • Poly­ethylene (PE)
  • Poly­ethylene (PE)
  • Poly­carbonate (PC)
  • Acryl­onitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
  • Polyoxy­methylene (POM)
  • Thermo­plastic elastomer (TPE)
  • Thermo­plastic polyurethane (TPU)
  • Styrene block copo­lymers (TPS)
  • Cross-linked thermo­plastic elastomers (TPV)
  • Poly­diorgano - siloxane (silicone)

Below you will find a more detailed expla­nation of the various plastics that are used in combi­nation in injection moulding.

  • Polyp­ropylene (PP): Polyp­ropylene is a thermo­plastic known for its excellent chemical resis­tance, elasticity and electrical insulation. It is often used for pack­aging, auto­motive parts and house­hold appli­ances.
  • Polye­thylene (PE): PE is charac­terised by its high toughness, good chemical resis­tance and flexibility. It is one of the most widely used plastics and is used in bottles, toys and films.
  • Polyamide (PA or nylon): Nylon is known for its high strength, abrasion resis­tance and thermal resis­tance. It is often used in the auto­motive industry, in the manu­facture of sports equip­ment and in elect­rical engine­ering.
  • Acryl­onitrile butadiene styrene (ABS): This copolymer is particularly robust and hard, yet easy to process. It is often used for the housings of elec­trical appli­ances, toys and other durable items.
  • Polyoxy­methylene (POM): POM, also known as acetal, offers high strength, rigidity and precise dimen­sional stability, making it parti­cularly suitable for precision parts in mech­anical applications.
  • Thermo­plastic elastomer (TPE): TPEs are elastic plastics that combine the properties of rubber with the proces­sability of thermo­plastics. They are used in seals, flexible hoses and soft-touch com­ponents.
  • Thermo­plastic polyurethane (TPU): TPU is known for its high abrasion resis­tance, flexibility and oil-resistant pro­erties. It is used in appli­cations such as shoe soles, hoses and protective covers.
  • Styrene block copolymers (TPS): TPS is a group of thermo­plastic elastomers charac­terised by their proces­sability and good thermo­plastic properties. Typical appli­cations are soles, seals and toys.
  • Cross-linked thermo­plastic elastomers (TPV): TPVs combine the properties of vulca­nised rubber with the proces­sability of thermo­plastics, making them ideal for automotive appli­cations and gaskets.
  • Polydiorgano-siloxanes (silicone): Silicone is extremely heat-resistant, flexible and water-repellent, making it ideal for kitchen utensils, medical devices and insu­lating materials.

From the idea to production - everything under one roof

We stand for pioneering solutions made of plastic


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Make use of our many years of experience and let us talk about your concerns.

The benefits of collaboration with HECHT + DIEPER

HECHT + DIEPER is your expert in injection moulding of plastics.



During development, our customers benefit from our many years of expert knowledge, in the area of design, our own toolmaking, as well as our competence in production.



Together - as specialists, we know that only the joint development of components is the best prerequisite for the optimal functionality of your product.



Since more than over 40 years we have been developing and producing technically challenging components of the highest precision for various industries.



In order to be able to deliver quickly, we believe in long standing and reliable cooperation with local logistics partners.



Regular optimization in development, toolmaking and production is a continuous process for us and thus the foundation for high efficiency and customer satisfaction.



Everything is local. We develop and produce plastic components - from the idea to production - one-stop. Our service enables short communication channels.